Topical Neurology
- Periferical nerves:
- periferic pralyes
- mononevrotic dysaesthesia
- frequently pain
- vegetatic disorders
- Plexus nevralis:
- periferic paralyse
- mononevrotic dysaesthesia
- pain¶esthesia
- vegetatic disorders
- Radices anteror:
- mononevrotic paralyse
- fasciculations
- Cornua anterior:
- mononevrotic anaesthesia and early muscular atrofia and reaction of retranslation
- fasciculations
- mozaic of injury
*Radices posterior
1.segmantar anaesthesia
2.acute radicular pain
*Cornua posterior
1.posterior anaesthaesia
2.low|absent of tendon or periostal reflex
3. low located pain zone
*Comissura anterior
1.butterfly type
2.reflex are keeped
2.reflex are keeped
*Lemniscus lateralis
1.contrlateral anaesthesia
2.central paralyse inferior of damage
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