Дренаж Робинсона

Дренаж Робинсона - пассивный циркулярный дренаж из SILKOMED #40;100 #37; силикон #41;, атравматический наконечник, длиной около 100 см, пять боковых дренажных отверстий, рентгеноконтрастная маркировка по всей длине, мешок объемом 350 мл с антирефлюксным клапаном, маркировка мешка, линия удаления содержимого мешка с универсальным коннектором. Стерильно.


  1. This drainage bag is made of a silicone elastomer and comes in three different sizes. It is clear and easy to identify and measure. Its silicone walls provide easy activation of suction, which allows for a low vacuum aspiration level. These bags are optimal for neurosurgery, plastic surgery, facial and neck surgery, masectomies, and gynecological surgery. They are also available in a closed drainage version. They are made free of latex and have an internal anti-reflix valve the prevents backflow of fluid to the patient. Its conical port makes it easy to connect to silicone wound drains.


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